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Boat repair shop

The Dive Shop

Old Fishing Store
Boat Repair Shop
The Dive Shop
Boat Repair Shop
The Boat Repair Shop (collectible) is a scaled down version of the original design.
It still has the same building concept with the siding and roof. The dock and workspace can also been used by small boats. The boat ramp includes a boat winch to pull op small boats.
As main colors, tan, olive green and browns are used. And the set has different accessories like tools, chains and different signs to give it a rustic feel.
1024 parts
7.9-7.4-5.3 inch
20-18-13 cm
The Dive Shop
The Dive Shop (collectible) is a scaled down version of the original design.

Old Fishing Store
Old Fishing Store
The Old Fishing Store (collectible) is a scaled down version of the original design.
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